
Why “Sales-and-Marking” Is Not One Word

Marketing and Sales are complementary components of Business that depend on each other. But it is essential to know they are not the same. Business leaders can fall into the habit of saying, “Sales-and-Marketing,” or “Marketing-and-Sales” in the same breath. As a result, it can cause some to think it is a singular entity. In […]

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3 Common Reasons Prospects Go Cold (and How To Warm Them Up Again)

Every sales team or small business owner has a collection of prospects in their database who have grown cold. These are potential buyers of your product or service who were very interested in purchasing from you at one time. However, they eventually ceased communicating with you. By default, they didn’t make a purchase. Even if […]

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Is Your Sales Organization Overdue For An Overhaul?

When your company is ready to move to its next significant level of success, that is the perfect time to reevaluate the systems and organizations at work inside your business. While all teams labor together towards your revenue goals, your Sales team is the all-important front-line of new customer acquisition and fresh profits. The colloquial […]

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Why Being a Customer-Centric Company Is Essential To Your Brand’s Longevity

When business leaders look to improve their customer service, some think the department is a natural progression from Sales. As such, these companies allow the sales manager to take the lead. Others believe the Marketing department should spearhead innovative changes for Customer Service. But because happy customers are critical to providing a consistent flow of […]

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Strategic Partnerships: An Underutilized Revenue Stream

When company leadership seeks to increase revenue streams, the first places they turn to are the marketing and sales teams. Executives want to see more qualified leads entering the sales funnel and more closed deals exiting the other end. These primary initiatives are targeted to attract the product or service’s end-user. While there is absolutely […]

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How a Profit Analysis Can Help You Set Your Revenue Strategy

What is A Profit Analysis? Ask any business owner what their top three goals are, and most are likely to list increasing profits as one. If you were to ask further how they planned on growing profits, they might all unanimously respond by increasing leads and increasing sales. While that is a viable option, there […]

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4 Strategies To Increase Your Average Revenue per Customer

The Benefits of Increasing Your Average Revenue Per Customer Part of a Chief Revenue Officer’s (CRO’s) core responsibilities is to spearhead synergistic strategies that maximize growth from a marketing, sales, and operations standpoint. CROs have many tactics to choose from when it comes to increasing revenue.  But one of the most effective methods is to […]

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Why Companies Are Hiring As-Needed CROs?

How can you determine if hiring a CRO is right for you? If your company is exhibiting any of the following symptoms,

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