How A Brand Analysis Can Positively Influence Your Revenue

What is a Brand Analysis Whether your company has been in existence for a while or is new to the market, a Brand Analysis is a critical step to take when establishing or refining your brand. Conducting a brand analysis at the formation of your brand is optimal. But it is also constructive (if not […]

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How Process Mapping Can Improve Operations and Profitability

What is Process Mapping? One of the ways Blackwood Impact Group serves businesses looking to improve their profits is by providing Operations consulting. Your company’s Operations is essentially the inner workings of your business; it’s how you do what you do. This is an area of focus for us because the more efficiently your internal […]

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How a Profit Analysis Can Help You Set Your Revenue Strategy

What is A Profit Analysis? Ask any business owner what their top three goals are, and most are likely to list increasing profits as one. If you were to ask further how they planned on growing profits, they might all unanimously respond by increasing leads and increasing sales. While that is a viable option, there […]

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How Technology Enablement Can Enhance Your Operations

Blackwood Impact Group helps businesses like yours increase profits by examining your business’ operations and identifying opportunities. Your company’s Operations is essentially the inner workings of your business; it’s how you do what you do. The more efficient you are in the course of providing your products and services to your customers, the more profitability […]

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How Your Value Proposition Affects Your Customer Experience

What Is A Value Proposition Statement? According to, “a value proposition refers to the value a company promises to deliver to customers should they choose to buy their product. A value proposition is also a declaration of intent or a statement that introduces a company’s brand to consumers by telling them what the company […]

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Blackwood Impact Group’s Top 9 Books Business Leaders Should Read

One of the most common traits all successful business leaders share is being well-read. All the modern greats, from Warren Buffett and Elon Musk to Sheryl Sandburg and Former First Lady Michelle Obama, are quick to share their habit as avid readers, as well as the books that were instrumental to their personal and business […]

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7 Ways to Improve Your Business Operations Process

When your company is ready to strategize around generating more revenue, the three major areas that leaders make changes in your marketing, sales, and operations. Operations encompass every person, product, and process that is involved in delivering your products or services to your customers. Focusing on operational efficiency can do one of two things for […]

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Execute for Success: The Ultimate Marketing Plan Template

When it is time to grow their revenue, small to medium-sized businesses (SMB) can sometimes find themselves between a rock and a hard place from a marketing standpoint.  Smaller teams are known for being scrappy, bootstrapping, and having a “whatever it takes” approach to bringing in clients and generating cash flow. This can often lead […]

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Is Your Team Ready For Change?

There comes a point in every small business’s growth trajectory when they become intentional about up-leveling to the mid-market sector for their industry. Leadership recognizes that in order to grow revenue and increase the capacity for servicing more customers, a new strategy will need to be crafted and followed.  The search for an outside consultant […]

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